After sustaining injuries in a car accident, you could find yourself in pain, frightened, and confused. If someone else caused the accident, you might also find yourself growing progressively more angry.

By pursuing legal action, you can hold the at-fault party responsible for their wrongful actions and recover compensation for your economic and non-economic damages.

A Fort Collins car accident lawyer can help with both of these objectives. An experienced personal injury attorney understands what you’re going through. Having a lawyer to handle your case helps protect your legal rights.

Having the right attorney on your side—like one of the experienced Fort Collins personal injury attorneys at the Tenge Law Firm, LLC, can help ensure you recover the compensation you deserve.

The Risks of Being Involved in a Fort Collins Car Accident

We are a state dependent on our cars. Without them, our economy would come to a standstill.

But driving is not always a safe activity, and although you may drive carefully, obeying the law, avoiding alcohol, drugs, and distractions, there is nothing you can do to control the behavior of other drivers on the roads in and around Fort Collins, especially downtown outside of Colorado State University.

Car accidents occur regularly on S. College Ave., Lemay Ave., and coming off or getting on I-25, often with dire results.

From the packed intersections on College Avenue to the always-crowded Timberline and Harmony Road intersection, Fort Collins has its fair share of busy streets, where accidents can happen at any time.

With the city’s population set to increase yearly, the number of drivers on the road will increase, alongside the waxing and waning student population—at lot of them from out of state.

Unfortunately, that means there will be more opportunities for negligent drivers to cause accidents.

According to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDoT), car accidents are the number one cause of death in our state.

The number of annual traffic fatalities has grown steadily over the past decade, and our state’s traffic accident death rate now exceeds the national average.

In 2019 (the most recent year for which data is available), almost 7,500 car accidents occurred in Larimar county alone.

According to the City of Fort Collins, more than 11 crashes occur each day in our city, approximately one-quarter of which involved injuries.

If you are ever involved in a wreck caused by the actions of another party, contact an experienced Fort Collins personal injury attorney at the Tenge Law Firm, LLC, for a free consultation.

Common Types of Fort Collins Car Crashes

The most recent traffic safety report published by the City of Fort Collins listed some of the most common types of car accidents that occur in our city. Some of the most relevant facts are listed below.

Approximately half of accidents occur at intersections with a traffic signal. Another 30% of crashes occur at driveways and parking lot exits, where cars are pulling or backing into traffic.

Impaired driving contributes significantly to severe, incapacitating, and fatal crashes.

The number of crashes that occur approaching a turn is growing rapidly.

Many of the accidents responsible for deaths and injuries in Fort Collins could have been prevented by responsible, safe driving.

If you or a member of your family has been injured or killed in a Fort Collins car accident, you may be able to recover compensation for your damages.

Recover the Compensation You Deserve

Unfortunately, many accident victims either fail to claim compensation or receive substantially less than they should.

Insurance companies like to close car accident cases out as cheaply as they can get away with, which usually means trying to persuade accident victims to accept a token payment for significantly less than the case is worth, in exchange for a full release. This is how they keep their profits soaring.

If you or someone in your family has been injured in a car accident, or if you have lost a loved one to a traffic fatality, you can avoid losing your right to a full, fair settlement by engaging the services of a Ft. Collins personal injury attorney to represent you.

You should select a boutique law practice, one that specializes in one area of law—personal injury—exclusively.

The lawyers in this type of firm, because they are highly focused on a particular practice area, are better equipped to handle cases that involve personal injuries than other lawyers who spread themselves too thin by hopping from one type of case to another.

This is the kind of focused representation you’ll find at the Tenge Law Firm, LLC in Ft. Collins. For over a quarter of a century, Tenge has been practicing law in Colorado.

He accepts only personal injury cases and has built a reputation as one of the most effective car accident attorneys in the state, with the highest possible peer ratings from Martindale-Hubbell and Avvo.

Types of Car Accident Cases We Handle

When it comes to motor vehicle accidents, any kind of crash can result in serious injury or death. We here at Tenge Law Firm, LLC, handle cases involving:

  • DUI accidents,
  • Intersection accidents,
  • Distracted driving,
  • Dangerous roadways,
  • Aggressive driving,
  • Drowsy driving, and more.

Our clients have suffered facial lacerations, seatbelt injuries, broken bones, whiplash, traumatic amputation, brain damage, and more.

We investigate each case as a unique situation and develop a strategy to get our clients the right medical treatment and compensation, so they can reach maximum recovery and never have to worry about the future.

What to Do After a Car Accident

The fear and confusion that strike after a car accident can leave victims on unsure footing. However, the actions you take in the short term can profoundly affect the future.

Get to Safety

Focus immediately on getting yourself and any other victims to a safe place, well off the roadway and out of traffic. Move your vehicle if you can do so safely; otherwise, leave the car where it is.

Call for Help

Contact the police and request emergency medical assistance for any injuries. Let emergency medical personnel evaluate your condition on the scene, even if you believe you are not seriously hurt.

Provide information to the police, but refrain from admitting fault, even if you believe you might have caused or contributed to the accident.

Gather Information

If any witnesses are present, collect their contact information. Exchange information with other drivers and take photos of the accident scene, if possible.

Request the police report number and the reporting officer’s contact information. This information will make it easier to get the police report later.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you believe you are unhurt, go to the emergency room or a local urgent care clinic for evaluation. Having a full medical evaluation will help ensure the identification of any injuries.

You can get the treatment you need and the medical records that will help document your injury accident claim.

Contact a Fort Collins Car Accident Attorney

As soon as possible, contact an attorney. An experienced attorney can evaluate your case and explain your options for pursuing a legal claim.

If the insurance company contacts you, decline to provide any statement until you have had a chance to speak to a lawyer.

The insurance company can use anything you say as the basis for denying your claim or reducing the amount of any potential settlement.

Talk to a Fort Collins Car Accident Lawyer Today

Trusting an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle your case provides several advantages.

Your attorney will handle every aspect of your case, leaving you free to focus on your health and recovery. An attorney helps protect your legal rights and keeps the insurance company from taking unfair advantage during this challenging time.

A local car accident attorney can investigate your accident and gather critical information to build the strongest possible case on your behalf.

In Fort Collins, call on the compassionate and experienced legal team of the Tenge Law Firm.

J. Todd Tenge and his team give personal attention to every case that comes into our Fort Collins practice, where preparation for trial begins the minute you sign on.

Most car accident cases can be settled out of court, and Todd is a highly skilled negotiator who understands insurance company tactics to reduce payouts and how to counteract those tactics in settlement negotiations.

But if the insurer is balking at a fair settlement, Todd is always fully prepared to take your case to a jury.

At the Tenge Law Firm, LLC, we care about you as an individual and focus on your needs. We keep the lines of communication open, never failing to return your emails and phone calls promptly.

You will always be kept in the loop, and the decision whether or not to accept any offer or whether to proceed to trial is always yours.

We offer a professional car accident consultation without cost or obligation, and you never pay us anything at all unless and until we win money for you. 

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. We will fight to help you recover the maximum possible compensation for your injuries, lost income, and other damages.

We provide highly personalized service and tailor our legal strategies to the details of your case. Contact us online or call us at (970) 638-8596 to speak to a Fort Collins car accident lawyer now.