Legal Represenstation for Injury Victims

In Fort Collins and elsewhere today, accidents and injuries caused by the negligence of others are a frequent occurrence. Soft tissue injuries are among the most commonly sustained injuries in motor vehicle crashes and several different types of accidents. If you have suffered soft tissue injuries in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your losses.

What Are Soft Tissue Injuries and What Are the Symptoms?

Soft tissue injuries involve damage to the soft tissues of the body, which include fat, muscle, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, lymph vessels, fibrous tissue, and nerves. These tissues support and connect organs and other body parts, protect organs, give the body shape and structure, store energy, and move fluids from one part of the body to another.

The body’s soft tissues play a crucial role in functions such as movement and fine motor coordination. Damage to these soft areas can cause pain and discomfort, swelling, bruising, soreness, and stiffness. Depending on their type and severity, soft tissue injuries can be more debilitating than fractured bones and take more time to heal.


Soft-Tissue Auto Case

Soft-Tissue Injury Crash Case

What Are Different Types of Soft Tissue Injuries?

Soft tissue injuries may be classified as either acute (caused by sudden trauma, such as a fall, twist, or blow to the body) or overuse (repetitive motion injuries occurring gradually over time). Common types of soft tissue injuries include:

  • Strains: Injury to the muscles or tendons caused by overuse.
  • Sprains: Injury caused by stretching ligaments beyond their normal range of motion.
  • Contusions: Bruising of the soft tissue caused by blunt force trauma, such as a fall or a blow.
  • Stress fractures: Small cracks in the bone, frequently occurring in weight-bearing bones in the lower extremities, such as the feet, legs, and hips. Stress fractures are typically caused by overuse or an increase in physical activity.

Whiplash: Car Accident Soft Tissue Injury

Whiplash is the most common type of soft tissue injury sustained in car accidents. It occurs when a vehicle is hit from behind and the force of impact causes a whip-like movement of the head and neck. Whiplash symptoms may not appear immediately, but may emerge within one or two days after the crash. Symptoms of whiplash may include:

  • Neck stiffness
  • Sharp neck pain
  • Back problems
  • Difficulty with memory and concentration, and other cognitive issues

If left untreated, whiplash can lead to chronic pain and discomfort of the back and neck.

How Do Soft Tissue Injuries Occur?

Many different types of accidents can cause soft tissue injuries. Among the most common are:

Who Is Liable for Soft Tissue Injuries?

If someone else’s negligence caused your accident and soft tissue injuries, liability may lie with the at-fault party. For example, if your injuries were sustained in a car accident, the driver who caused the accident may be liable. If you suffered soft tissue injuries in a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property, the owner may be liable, provided:

  • A hazardous condition existing on the property caused your accident and injuries;
  • The property owner knew or should reasonably have known about the hazardous condition: and
  • The property owner failed to correct the hazard or adequately warn you of the danger.

Get Legal Help for Soft Tissue Injuries

If your soft tissue injuries were caused by the negligence of another, you may be entitled to pursue a claim for compensation. Contact a Fort Collins personal injury lawyer at the Tenge Law Firm, LLC at (970) 212-4777. We can tell you if you have a valid case and what damages you may be entitled to claim.